Raymond Charles Barker Quotes
Raymond Charles Barker was an American religious leader, author, and radio personality. He was the founder of the International Church of the Four Square Gospel, and his quotes are still widely quoted today. Here are some most memorable Raymond Charles Barker Quotes.
Raymond Charles Barker was an American author and religious leader. He was the founder of the Church of the New Age and the author of many books on New Age spirituality. These Raymond Charles Barker Quotes are some of his most famous words of wisdom.
Raymond Charles Barker Quotes
“Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be.” ― Raymond Charles Barker
“You are in God. God is in you. There is no separation, there never was and there never will be.”― Raymond Charles Barker
“There is a Power in me, acting through me, and acting for me which causes me to accomplish what I want.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“You can have what you want, but you have to think what you want, and you have to think of it as already being so. This is the science that Jesus exemplified.”― Raymond Charles Barker
“Your thought is creative, because as you think the Creative Mind thinks as you” ― Raymond Charles Barker
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“Fixing your attention on a positive goal causes Life to back you up with all its processes and you realize that the universe is for you and never against you.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“I dare you to think in great terms. I challenge you to dream a great dream. Nothing is impossible to those who decide upon possibility.”― Raymond Charles Barker
“Where your thinking goes, your affairs follow.”- Raymond Charles Barker
“God operates in each us as us . We determine our own destinies.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“Thought controlled is experience determined. Life requires of us disciplined thinking, if we are to become the full expressions of God’s plan.”― Raymond Charles Barker
“God operates in each us as us . We determine our own destinies.”― Raymond Charles Barker,
“To you God gave the greatest gift God could ever bestow. It is the gift of creative thought.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
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“There is a Power in me, acting through me, and acting for me which causes me to accomplish what I want.”-Raymond Charles Barker
“You have handled things to the best of your ability. That is all that Life requires of anyone.”
“Your thought is creative, because as you think the Creative Mind thinks as you”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“It is God’s money, I let it flow in, I let it flow out. As I release it, I know that it comes back to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
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“Image of God present in all creation and in all people , and is always available to assist in our positive personal evolution, and the positive evolution of society.”
“You can have what you want, but you have to think what you want, and you have to think of it as already being so. This is the science that Jesus exemplified.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“The forward look and the upward reach is the sign of spiritual unfoldment.”- Raymond Charles Barker
“The world opinion will say you can’t, but the indwelling God whispers your capability. Like Paul you can say “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.”
“You are in God. God is in you. There is no separation, there never was and there never will be.”― Raymond Charles Barker, Create the Life You Want: How to Attract Health, Wealth, Happiness and Peace of Mind Using the Religious Science of Raymond Charles Barker
“Any wrong decision you have ever made will become unimportant when your attention is shifted from it to a creative reason for living right here and now.”― Raymond Charles Barker
“The framework of your preconceived opinions is the only limitation to your begetting.”-Raymond Charles Barker
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“Troubles result when an unintelligent factor is introduced into a field of intelligent activity. Worry is an unintelligent factor, as are fear, hate, and resentment.”
― Raymond Charles Barker,
There are many different ways to interpret the Raymond Charles Barker Quotes, but one thing is for sure: he had a lot of wisdom to share with the world. His quotes can be applied to many different situations in life, and they can help people to see things in a new light. Take the time to read through his quotes and see which ones resonate with you the most. You may be surprised at how much they can help you to see your own life in a new way.