30th Wedding Anniversary Poems for My Wife

30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

On the 30th wedding anniversary, couples reflect on the good times and memories shared over the last three decades. They also look forward to continuing their journey together. Here are some quotes to help celebrate this milestone.

The 30th wedding anniversary is a milestone that is celebrated by many couples. To mark the occasion, some couples may choose to recite wedding anniversary quotes to each other. These quotes can be about love, marriage, and the journey that the couple has taken together.

30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

‘‘Thanks for continuing to decide to stay married to me for 30 years in a row!’’

‘‘The good thing and the bad thing about being married for 30 years is that you’re halfway through “til death do us part.”

‘‘You have taken up a lot of space in my heart and mind over the last 30 years. You don’t just live with me. You live in me.’’

‘‘What you want in a marriage when you get married isn’t always what you want after 30 years of marriage. Change expectations, but don’t change spouses.’’

30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Wife

‘‘We have gotten to know each other well over the last 30 years, but I’m not done learning from you yet.’’

‘‘30 years felt like just a few years because time has flown while we’ve been having fun.’’

‘‘It takes a couple years to learn how to talk as a child, but it can take 30 years of marriage to learn how to talk to your spouse.’’

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to My Husband

‘‘Well, we’ve been married for 30 years now. I guess it has been long enough for us to make a well-informed decision about staying together.’’

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‘‘I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without you for the last 30 years. I’m looking forward to another great 30 years with you.’’

‘‘30 years of marriage can feel like a day or an eternity. That’s why every married couple should have a time machine.’’

30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Friends

‘‘30 years ago was an awesome day!’’

‘‘The best time of a marriage begins after 30 years together.’’

‘‘30 years multiplied by 365 equals the number of days I’ve been glad I married you. That’s 10,950 days, by the way.’’

‘‘I hope that 30 years is only 30% of how long we’ll be married.’’

‘‘3 decades down, many more to go!’’

Funny 30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

“Our wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day.” —Gene Perret

‘‘How in the world did the time go by so fast? It seems like just yesterday we had only been married for 29 years!’’

‘‘Wow! 30 years is a long time to stay married just so that you can get this card! Happy 30th!’’

30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Husband

“Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that is a treat.” -—Joanne Woodward

‘‘I bet you feel like you’ve been married for three decades. That’s because you have.’’

‘‘You guys have been married since the stone age. That’s why they call it a “milestone.”

“Being in a long marriage is a little like that nice cup of coffee every morning—I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it.” —Stephen Gaines

‘‘30 years is considered a generation. You have been married for an entire generation. Congratulations!’’

‘‘You’ve had 30 years to create the perfect marriage. Since I know you don’t have a perfect marriage yet, you’ll need to stay married much longer to keep working on it.’’

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‘‘Congratulations for being together for 10,957 days! That’s an accomplishment.’’

To celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary, a couple looks back on the memories they’ve made together and shares some thoughts on what marriage means to them.

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