Customer Service Positive Phrases

34 Best Positive Customer Service Quotes

We all know how important customer service is. It‘s the cornerstone of any successful business. But sometimes, we need a little reminder of why we should always give our customers the best possible service. Here are some of the best positive customer service quotes to keep in mind next time you‘re dealing with a customer.

Get some of the best positive customer service quotes to keep your team motivated and inspired!

33+ Best Positive Customer Service Quotes

“We don’t want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what they want.” Laura Ashley

“How you think about your customer influences how you respond to them.” – Marilyn Suttle

“If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand” – Howard Schultz

“I believe in the power of recognition and empowerment leading to great employee engagement. And employee engagement is critical to guest engagement. Employee empowerment and recognition is the core of our culture and how we achieve outstanding customer service.” Herve Humler

“When you assume negative intent, you’re angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed.” Indra Nooyi

Positive Call Center Quotes

“You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be too easily duplicated. But a strong customer service culture cannot be copied.” – Jerry Fritz

“Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us.” – Earl Nightingale

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” Jeff Bezos

“Customer service shouldn’t just be a department, it should be the entire company.” Tony Hsieh

“Make a customer, not a sale.” – Katherine Barchetti

“There is place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers – after the sale.” – Harvey MacKay

Positive Call Center Quotes

Customer Service Inspirational Quote of the Day

“Instead of focusing on the competition, focus on the customer.” Scott Cook

“It’s through vulnerability that human beings create connections. The more vulnerable we can be with one another, the more that we’ll trust one another and the more we’ll be able to collaborate effectively.” Neil Blumenthal

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” – Walt Disney

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.” – Peter Drucker

Positive Customer Service Motivational Quotes

“Good customer service costs less than bad customer service.” Sally Gronow

“The more advocates you have, the fewer ads you have to buy.” Dharmesh Shah

“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.” – Roger Staubach

“Satisfaction is a rating. Loyalty is a brand.” – Shep Hyken

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

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“As a membership site we’re always focused on reducing churn and increasing satisfaction. We know that collecting feedback from customers throughout the customer’s lifecycle has allowed us to achieve both.” James Bake

Positive Quotes for Call Center Agents

“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” – Denis Waitley, Author and Motivational Speaker

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” – Don Alden Adams, President Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

“You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work.” Laurie McIntosh

Positive Quotes About Customer Service

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?‘” – Brian Tracy, Author and Motivational Speaker

“When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too.” – David J. Schwartz, Author and Motivational Speaker

“What sets us apart as a company is that we want to deal with anyone that owns our product, regardless of where you bought it. If you have an issue with a Santa Cruz Bike and come to us with your issue, we’ll help you resolve your issue.” Kyle Harder

Customer Service Motivational Positive Words

“There is a spiritual aspect to our lives — when we give, we receive — when a business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them!” – Ben Cohen, Co-Founder Ben & Jerry’s

“Service, in short, is not what you do, but who you are. It’s a way of living that you need to bring to everything you do if you’re to bring it to your customer interactions.” Betsy Sanders

“To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one.” American Proverb

“To give without any reward, or any notice, has a special quality of its own.” – Anne Morrow Lindeberg, Author and Aviator

Positive Quotes Customer Service

“Happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.” Lisa Masiello

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

“To earn the respect (and eventually love) of your customers, you first have to respect those customers. That is why Golden Rule behavior is embraced by most of the winning companies.” – Colleen Barrett, Southwest Airlines President Emerita

What Are Good Customer Service Quotes?

“The customer is always right.” – This famous quote is often attributed to department store founder Marshall Field, although there is some debate about whether or not he actually said it. Regardless, the sentiment is clear – good customer service means always putting the customer first.

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“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” – This quote from business magnate Michael LeBoeuf perfectly sums up the importance of customer satisfaction. Happy customers are more likely to come back and recommend your business to others.

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, knew that providing great customer service was key to building a successful business. His company is now one of the largest retailers in the world.

Positive Customer Service Motivational Quotes

“You’re not doing your job unless you’re making some somebody mad.” – This quote from former Apple CEO Steve Jobs may seem counter-intuitive, but it highlights the importance of pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box to create truly innovative products and services. Sometimes, making customers angry is the only way to get them to take notice and demand change.

What Is Customer Service Motto?

The customer service motto isthe customer is always right.” This motto is based on the belief that the customer is the most important part of the business and that their satisfaction should always be the top priority. This motto is also based on the belief that the customer knows what they want and that it is the business‘s job to provide them with what they want.

What Is Customer Success Quote?

Customer success is the business philosophy of proactively ensuring that customers are achieving their desired outcomes with a product or service. In other words, it’s making sure your customers are successful.

This philosophy is based on the belief that it is more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one. Therefore, it is in the best interest of businesses to ensure that their customers are successful, because this will lead to repeat business and customer loyalty.

There are a number of quotes that capture the essence of customer success. Here are a few of our favorites:

“The key to successful customer relationships is mutual success.” – Unknown

“The recipe for success is a solid foundation of satisfied customers.” – Unknown

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

“Successful companies are those that focus on their customers.” – Unknown

It is important to always provide positive customer service quotes in order to ensure a successful business. By always putting the customer first, you will be able to create a strong and loyal customer base that will continue to support your business for years to come.

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