Famous Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time. The story of Belle, a beautiful young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle, has captivated audiences for centuries. The Beast is actually a prince who was cursed by an enchantress and can only be broken free from the curse by finding true love. Belle eventually falls in love with the Beast and breaks the curse.

The story of Beauty and the Beast has been told many times, in many different ways. But no matter how it’s told, the story always speaks to the power of love. These Quotes From Beauty and the Beast capture the magic of the story and the power of love.

In this article, you will find a collection of Quotes From Beauty and the Beast. Whether you are looking for inspiration or just a bit of fun, these quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face.

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

“Here’s where she meets Prince Charming, but she won’t discover that it’s him ’til chapter three!” -Belle

“How can you read this? There’s no pictures!” “Well, some people use their imagination.” – Gaston & Belle

“You have to help me. You have to stand.” – Belle (to the Beast)

“My dear Belle, you’re so ahead of your time. This is a small village, and it’s small-minded, as well. But small also means safe.” – Maurice

“How can you read this? There’s no pictures!” “Well, some people use their imagination.” -Gaston & Belle

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast About the Rose

“I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell!” -Belle

“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.” -Narrator

“If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return, by the time the last petal fell, then, the spell will be broken.”

“Thank you for what you just did. But that doesn’t change that you’re too cowardly to be honest with me…”

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast Book

“LeFou, I’m afraid I’ve been thinking.” “A dangerous pastime.” “I know.” -Gaston & LeFou

“I am always surprised to discover that when the world seems darkest, there exists the greatest opportunity for light.”

Brigid Kemmerer, A Curse So Dark and Lonely

“As I have said, you have no reason to trust me, and an excellent reason not to.”

Robin McKinley, Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast

“When I felt lost and lonely, not a dream in my head, your words lifted my spirit high! Remember what you said: As long as there’s Christmas, I truly believe that hope is the greatest of the gifts we’ll receive. As long as our guiding star shines above.”

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Quotes From Beauty and the Beast About Love

Quotes From Beauty and the Beast About Love

“True, that he’s no Prince Charming but there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see.”

“It was her favorite story, that she remembers, but she would be hard-pressed to retell it now, faithfully, as it had been told to her. All she could recall were frayed, sleep-watered images of a forgotten castle in the middle of a wild forest, stone statues, crimson roses, and a dark, animal presence never seen, but which stained her memory of the tale, even past its edges to the daylight after.”

Ava Zavora, Belle Noir: Tales of Love and Magic

“Since you are so kind as to think of me, be so kind as to bring me a rose, for as none grow hereabouts, they are a kind of rarity.”

Jeanne Marie Beaumont

Belle Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

“I want adventure in the great-wide somewhere, I wanted more than I can tell… For once in might be grand to have someone understand, I want so much more than they’ve got planned!” – Belle

“I never felt this way about anyone. I wanna do something for her.” – Beast

“None of this was what held Yeva’s gaze. Because in the bottom of the valley, straddling the river nestled in the foothills, was a castle.”

Meagan Spooner, Hunted

“Giggling and making little tinkling noises on the floor, the teacups scurried over to the marble-topped occasional table. There was a pretty woven and quilted hot pad on it, which they carefully arranged themselves on like a pile of puppies bedding down for the night.”

Liz Braswell, As Old as Time

Famous Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

“The great shadow before me may have had an animal body, but he had the mind of a man at least, and men could be reasoned with, pleased, manipulated.”

Emily Poirier, Beauty and Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling

“New and a bit alarming. Who’d have ever thought this could be? True that he’s no Prince Charming but there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see.” – Belle

“You take me as your prisoner, and now you want to have dinner with me? Are you insane?”

Belle Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

Best Quotes From Beauty and the Beast

“They’re delightful,” Belle said, sighing. “I wish I had a dozen of them at home.” “Children?” the Beast said, eyes wide and eyebrows high. “Talking teacups.”

Liz Braswell, As Old as Time

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“I had not the time to consider the nature of a monster who valued a rose garden above all things as Father said, “I’m so sorry.”

Emily Poirier, Beauty and Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling

What Is a Famous Line From Beauty and the Beast?

One of the most famous lines from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast isBe our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test.” This line is sung by the character Lumiere, who is a candlestick, to Belle, the movie‘s heroine. The line is meant to be an invitation for Belle to come and stay at the Beast‘s castle.

What Does Beast Say in Beauty and the Beast?

In the Disney film Beauty and the Beast, the Beast is a character who is initially quite frightening but ultimately proves to be kind and loving. One of the Beast‘s most memorable lines in the film is when he says to Belle,I want to be like you. I want to be human again.” This line speaks to the Beast‘s longing to be free from his curse and to be able to experience love and companionship. It also serves as a reminder that even the most seemingly monstrous of creatures can have a heart of gold.

What Is Disney’s Famous Quote?

Disney‘s famous quote isThe Way to Get Started Is to Quit Talking and Begin Doing.” This quote is often used to encourage people to take action and not just talk about their goals. It is a reminder that everyone has the potential to achieve great things if they are willing to put in the work. This quote is also a reminder that success is not achieved overnight, but through consistent effort and determination.

Who Could Ever Love a Beast Quote?

Many people see love as something that is only possible between two people who are physically attracted to each other. However, the quoteWho could ever love a beast?” challenges this view of love. This quote suggests that love is something that is possible between two people, even if one of them is not traditionally considered to be attractive. This quote opens up the possibility of love between people who may not have thought it was possible before.

Overall, the Quotes From Beauty and the Beast provide a lot of insight into the movie and its characters. They also show how the movie has been able to resonate with so many people over the years.

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