Van Jones Quotes
In this blog post, we will be exploring some of the best Van Jones Quotes. Van Jones is an American political commentator, author, and lawyer. He is a co-founder of several non-profit organizations, including Dream Corps, a “social justice accelerator” that runs several advocacy and support programs.
Van Jones is an American political commentator, author, and attorney. He is a co–founder of several non–profit organizations, including Dream Corps, a social justice accelerator, and #cut50, a national bipartisan criminal justice reform organization. He served as the Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation under President Barack Obama.
Looking for some inspiration? Check out these Van Jones Quotes, an American political commentator, lawyer, and author.
Van Jones Quotes
“The surest path to safe streets and peaceful communities is not more police and prisons, but ecologically sounds economic development. And that same path can lift us to a new, green economy – one with the power to lift people out of poverty while respecting and repairing the environment.” – Van Jones
“Let us say: “We want to ensure that those communities that were locked out of the last century’s pollution-based economy will be locked into the new clean and green economy. We know that we don’t have any throwaway children or neighborhoods either. All of creation is precious and sacred. And we are all in this together.”
― Van Jones, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
Best Van Jones Quotes
“Dr. King didn’t get famous giving a speech that said, I have a complaint.” – Van Jones
“Rather than continuing to base our economy on a finite supply of dead things, we can base it on sources that are practically infinite and eternal: the sun, the moon, and the Earth’s inner fire.” – Van Jones
“Formerly incarcerated people deserve a second shot at life – and all obstacles to their being able to find that second chance in the green sector should be removed.”
― Van Jones
“Let us all say together: “We want to build a green economy strong enough to life people out of poverty. We want to create green pathways out of poverty and into great careers for America’s children. We want this ‘green wave’ to life all boats. This country can save the polar bears and poor kids too.”
― Van Jones, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
John Van Hengel Quotes
“The time has come to move beyond eco-elitism to eco- populism . Ecopopulism … To change our laws and culture, the green movement justice, political solutions, and social change.” – Van Jones
“Most people walking around in a mall or on a college campus are carrying on them better technology than the entire U.S. government had when it put a man on the moon. Each one of us is a walking technological superpower.” – Van Jones
“I don’t want you to be safe ideologically. I don’t want you to be safe emotionally. I want you to be strong. That’s different. I’m not going to pave the jungle for you. Put on some boots, and learn how to deal with adversity. I’m not going to take all the weights out of the gym. This is the gym.”
― Van Jones
Van Jones Famous Quotes
“We should use the transition to a better energy strategy as an opportunity to create a better economy and a better country all around.”
― Van Jones, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
“Apparently, the fossil-fuel industry’s strategy is to convince the American people that we should just burn all the way through the last of our oil and coal reserves.” – Van Jones
“If we keep pulling death from the ground, we will reap death from the skies.” – Van Jones
“The human family has invaluable friends and irreplaceable allies in the plant and animal worlds. We cannot continue to tug at the web of life without tearing a hole in the very fabric of our earthly existence-and eventually falling through that hole ourselves.” – Van Jones
“If we keep pulling death from the ground, we will reap death from the skies.”
― Van Jones, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
“Now it’s the age for the translator. It’s the age for the bridge builder. It’s the age for Velcro. It’s the age for Lego. It’s the age for combining what we already have into what we need.”
― Van Jones
“Government-mandated and -subsidized ethanol from corn will go down in history as the “Iraq War” of environmental solutions: ill-considered, costly, and disastrous.” – Van Jones
“We pull out of the ground death, we burn death in our power plants, and then we act shocked when we get death in the form of oil spills and global warming.” – Van Jones
“All the big ideas for getting us onto a lower carbon trajectory involve a lot of people doing a lot of work, and that’s been missing from the conversation. This is a great time to go to the next step and ask, well, who’s going to do the work? Who’s going to invest in the new technologies? What are ways to get communities wealth, improved health, and expanded job opportunities out of this improved transition?” – Van Jones
“Reversing global warming will take a World War II level of mobilization. It is the work of tens of millions, not hundreds of thousands.” – Van Jones
“In a democracy, you won’t always get to have your way. But you should always get to have your say.” – Van Jones
Who Is Van Jones Twin?
Van Jones is an American political commentator, lawyer, and author. He is also the co–founder of several non–profit organizations, including Dream Corps, a social justice accelerator. Jones is also the host of The Van Jones Show, a CNN political commentary program. He was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and has a twin brother, Anthony.
How Much Does Van Jones Make a Year?
According to public records, Van Jones makes an annual salary of $296,000.
Who Is Van Jones Family?
Van Jones is an American political commentator, author, and activist. He is a CNN political contributor, and co-host of CNN’s political debate show Crossfire. Jones is also the president of Dream Corps, a social justice accelerator.
Jones was born in Jackson, Tennessee, and raised in rural Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a principal, and his mother was a schoolteacher. He has three brothers.
Jones is married to Maya Jones, an attorney and civil rights activist. They have two children.
How Old Is Van Jones?
Van Jones is an American political commentator, lawyer, and author. He is a co–founder of several non–profit organizations, including Dream Corps, a national organization committed to advancing economic and social justice. He also served as President Barack Obama‘s Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. As of 2020, Van Jones‘ age is 51 years old.
Van Jones is a powerful speaker and thinker, and his quotes reflect his deep understanding of the world and its many problems. He is particularly insightful on the topics of race and justice, and Van Jones Quotes quotes on these topics are sure to resonate with many readers.